24 November 2009

Deep Thoughts (Politically Incorrect)

A group of mothers watching daughters practice cheer routines in the Tactical Fitness Gym. Sitting on the benches, munching on bags of chips or chocolate covered granola bars. Instead of taking this time as an opportunity TO MOVE THEIR MORBIDLY OBESE BODIES and walk around the gym for an hour.


My time in the gym:
Warm-up 1000m row, 15 pullups (blue band, no stopping), 45# deadlift x 10, mid-hang clean x 10, front squat x 10, push-press x 10, back squat x 10. 20# medicine ball cleans x 10. Set up the equipment for the WOD.
2 laps (~300m)
30 back squats 65#
10 kettlebells 25#
3 laps (~500m)
20 back squats 55#
20 kettlebells 25#
4 laps (~675m)
10 back squats 55#
30 kettlebells 25#
22:00 min

I'm now officially tired, if not exhausted. Still favoring my right elbow, the Lateral epicondylitis is still bothering me but not keeping me from exercise (like it did at the end of September). I believe the fish oil (Omega 3) has been helping to reduce the inflammation.

1 comment:

  1. All too typical. On a postive note I took some 7th and 8th graders to the HAWC today. Their teacher arranged for them to visit and get a nutrition and fitness presentation (after they heard my radio interview last week).
