I started out strong, on target in the first round. But the wall was HOT, and the medicine ball was HOT (burning fingers even), and despite good fluid intake all morning I think I was dehydrated.
In the second round I was dizzy and knew something was wrong. My first DNF. So embarressed. So dissapointed with myself.
I cooled down under the tent with water & ice. Then went back about 45 min later but this time at half-pace.
Kept to my plan for taking it easy (maybe too easy?) and only scored 188
I did this in support of our military, active & reserve, retired & veterans, healthy & wounded, and in honor of those no longer with us. Too many are affected by this war on terror. I hope we can finish the job and get the rest of our troops HOME!
Thank you again to all who supported me, inspired me, and pushed me. I LOVE YOU.